Wednesday 8 July 2015

12pm update - turn the machines back on

US equities are battling to build a floor, with a moderately higher low of sp'2055.. relative to Tue' 2044. USD remains notably weak, -0.6% in the DXY 96.20s. Metals are holding gains, Gold +$6. Oil remains weak, -3.3%... in the $51s... after an inventory net gain of 0.4 million barrels.



Meanwhile.... NYSE trading is entirely offline... clearly..  a healthy market.


So.. err.... interesting day huh?

With the trading HALT, new lows in sp'500..  2053.  VIX +15% @ 18.60s.

Yours truly remains somewhat overly fixated on INTC...

60min cycle

Again, the $29s are holding... in theory.. INTC should be able to battle upward to at least the $31.50/32.00 zone.

VIX update from Mr T.

time for a valium.. or something (it is rarely easy being long this market).

12.02pm.. okay my mini legion.. this is starting to get a little crazy.

Sure... other exchanges are still active.. but the mighty NYSE is currently still broken. Is it done for the rest of today?

Did I kill the market by going long a Dow stock? lol

Is this the ultimate signal of doom?     stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!

12.11pm.. NYSE - all OPEN ORDERS cancelled... so.. that'll really annoy some out there... and I'd guess most will have to be manually re-entered, rather than batch entry.

What is clear... the maintream really striving to not say the word 'hackers'...or that the system is vulnerable.

12.19pm.. So.. err.. when the market reopens.. that is bullish right, and good for at least 100 Dow pts?

12.27pm.. Ohh CNBC has brought on the Cramer....   now I feel so much calmer... and I certainly won't mention the notion that hackers might be responsible.